First Float Saturday – PrEaster Group Ride W/ OneWheelAZ
Join the OneWheel AZ for the First Float Saturday group ride and raffle at Riverbound Sports. This is a free ride and OneWheel XRs, Pint, EUC, E-skate and scooters are welcome.
This is going to be a fun ride. We are going to meet at 10a and Ride by 10:30a.
This is a FFS and is set up for all rider levels and board types.
This is a FFS and is set up for all rider levels and board types.
We will ride the Greenbelt to Riverbound Sports and hold a free raffle. As congrats to the group reaching a Thousand members, they have donated two – “Thousand Helmets” to raffle off. The first will be raffled on-site to present members, and the 2nd will be for all members that have signed up to the Onewheel AZ Club Account on Ride with GPS.
We will export the rider names and use a randomizer against the total members signed up. Currently, there are 86 members signed up which makes pretty good odds. Less than a 1 in 100 chance.
Join FREE here > https://ridewithgps.com/auto…/Club/6153/2ymAD7sz8vjcUyBW
Map Details in the Events Tab of the Club Account.